TripleP: About Us
Triple P for every parent Triple P Connecticut Children's Trust Fund - Department of Social Services

About Us

Triple P CT is a program of the Division of Family Support Services at the Office of Early Childhood, with funding and support from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, in collaboration with the Department of Social Services, TEEG and many other state and community partners.
The goal of our Triple P initiative is to involve the entire community in efforts to enhance the knowledge, skills, and confidence of parents. Beginning in November 2012, the Children’s Trust Fund and its community partners offered free training and support to more than 140 individuals working in the City of Hartford and five towns in Northeastern CT in the Positive Parenting Program – Triple P. We reached out to a broad range of individuals who may not have had extensive training in parenting education  but felt that they would benefit from the Triple P training, and be able to use the parenting tools provided by the program. Our Triple P practitioners are working in a variety of settings and include school social workers, family resource center staff, youth librarians, preschool teachers, recreation staff, case managers, behavior technicians, school counselors, home visitors, health care clinicians, mental health counselors and outreach workers.
We are grateful to the following individuals and organizations for their support and involvement in this effort:
Commissioner Roderick Bremby, Department of Social Services
Renee Dinino, Clear Channel, Inc.
Northeastern Planning Committee

Content Last Modified on 5/9/2014 8:22:43 AM

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