SustiNet: December 17, 2009 Initial Meeting
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Meeting Information
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SustiNet Health Partnership

Healthcare Quality & Provider

Advisory Committee




Margaret Flinter



C. Todd Staub






Board of Directors Liaison



Paul Grady









Post Office Box 1543

Hartford, CT 06144-1543




DECEMBER 17, 2009

8:00 AM – 9:30 AM EST

Legislative Office Building, Room 1E






Self- Introduction of Members (30 minutes)


·        Review of charge to the Committee  (5 minutes)


·        Review of timeline with focus on October 2009 through March 2010 (10 minutes)


·        Identification of Priorities: Recommendation  from co-chairs: Begin with payment methodology reform as a driver of improvements in quality, safety, and access (30 minutes


·        Discussion: identification of specific aspects of charge that require additional information, presentations, or research (time permitting) (10 minutes)





Review of dates of next meetings: January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15, Mary 20, June 17, July 15


Guidelines for communication between meetings


Locations for future meetings and volunteers for “hosts” of meetings held outside of LOB



Excerpt from Sustinet charge to the Provider Advisory Committee











Organizational Tasks










Assemble existing studies in Quality, Safety and Reimbursement. Analyze and prioritize recommendations already made.










Assess existing programs statewide.  Identify barriers and need for resources and public health infrastructure to support the committee’s goals.










Assess connections between this Committee and other state agencies.  Develop procedures to communicate and collaborate.










Develop procedures to communicate with other Committees and Task Forces in order to identify information needed by each to develop mutually reinforcing recommendations.










Develop stakeholder engagement plan for planning and implementation.










Identify areas needed further study. Invite presenters as needed to fill information gaps. Bring in additional people to the committee to complement/expand knowledge base.










Determine core elements of Quality Committee’s comprehensive plan (i.e. current status: priority issues, major barriers, costs and financing) Identify who will draft the final report.










Identify ARRA and other federal funding sources for quality and safety that could assist with funding quality and safety initiatives or pilot programs under SustiNet.










Data Analysis and Development of Recommendations










Assess how federal reform affects Quality, Safety and Reimbursement and incorporate into plan.










Choose from nationally and internationally recognized guidelines for the provision of care and forward recommended clinical care and safety guidelines to the board of directors. 










Recommend policies and procedures that encourage participating providers to furnish and SustiNet Plan members to obtain appropriate evidenced-based health care.










Provide recommendations on providing feedback to providers about how their practice patterns and outcomes compare to their peers.










Recommend how information on the cost-effectiveness of prescription drugs and medical devices can be made available to participating providers.










Investigate requiring pharmaceutical and medical device companies to report on consulting and other payments/gifts to providers.










Recommend an approach concerning the provision of free samples of generic or other prescription drugs to participating providers.










Develop plans for doing quality reviews to result in plans for quality improvement.










Develop a program for monitoring and encouraging compliance by hospitals to safety standards, including performance incentives and sanctions.










Recommend recognition programs for exemplary providers.










Create a plan to pilot Quality, Safety and Reimbursement recommendations.










Finalizing of Recommendations and Report Preparation










Present preliminary findings and conclusions to key stakeholder groups.










Refine preliminary recommendations and present to SustiNet board and co-chairs of committees of cognizance.










Determine a “review & comment” process by which committee members can provide feedback to drafts of the comprehensive plan.










Schedule a target date by which a near-final draft will be ready to share with the SustiNet board co-chairs and co-chairs of the committees of cognizance over public health, human services and appropriations.












Attached File:
Document attached December_17_2009_Agenda.pdf

Content Last Modified on 12/18/2009 10:03:18 AM

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