SustiNet: DRAFT - February 17, 2010 Health Disparities and Equity Advisory Committee Initial Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
SustiNet Health Partnership
SustiNet: DRAFT - February 17, 2010 Health Disparities and Equity Advisory Committee Initial Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

SustiNet Health Partnership

Health Disparities & Equity Advisory Committee




Marie Spivey



Rafael Perez-Escamilla






Board of Directors Liaisons



Bonita Grubbs



Estela Lopez






Post Office Box 1543

Hartford, CT 06144-1543



Health Disparities and Equity Advisory Committee Initial Meeting

February 17, 2010

Meeting Minutes


Committee Attendees (12): Marie Spivey, Co-chair; Rafael Perez-Escamilla, Co-chair; Sandra Brown; Yolanda Caldera-Durant; Leo Canty; Grace Damio; Bonita Grubbs; Estela Lopez; Yvette Martas; J. Nwando Olayiwola; Stephanie Paulmeno; and Brad Plebani


Office of the Healthcare Advocate (2): Kevin Lembo; Africka S. Hinds-Ayala


Absent: Luis Anez (10); Asher Delerme; Esperanza Diaz; Barbara Dicks; Comalita Elliott; Ayaz Madraswalla; Reza Mansoor; Sharon Mierzwa; Ann Purcell-Murray; and Arvind Shaw


BOLD ITALICS denote not confirmed by the SustiNet Health Program Board of Directors


Kevin Lembo, SustiNet Board of Directors Co-Chair, opened the meeting by welcoming Committee co-chairs and members.  Kevin continued with introductions of the Committee co-chairs and board liaisons.  Kevin expressed thanks to all Committee members for their commitment to this effort and emphasized that there is much work to be done in the next several months.  He announced that there will be a retreat on March 10, 2010 for the Board of Directors and Committee and Task Force co-chairs.


The SustiNet Board liaisons, Estela Lopez and Bonita Grubbs, expressed much appreciation for the commitment of the Office of the Healthcare Advocate and the Office of the State Comptroller, as well as to the Hispanic Health Council for opening their doors for this initial meeting.  The liaisons stated that the Committee’s role is to examine ways to introduce care that will reduce health disparities and promote equity in healthcare.


The Health Disparities and Equity Committee (HDEC) co-chairs, Marie Spivey and Rafael Perez-Escamilla, provided information on their personal backgrounds and expertise in the areas of health disparity and equity.  Rafael stated that the Committee must accumulate data, conduct research, and develop community relationships to aid in the reduction of healthcare disparities.  Committee members introduced themselves and provided background information and their areas of expertise.


Rafael stated that the charge of the HDEC is to develop effective strategies and proposals for CT residents to reduce healthcare disparities among varying cultures, and to maintain continuous communication with other SustiNet Committees and Task Forces.  The Committee must review data and have a clear understanding of the CT health environment in order to make solid recommendations to the SustiNet Board.


Estela stated that the Committee must define measurable objectives to show progress, and referred members to the SustiNet Health Disparities and Equity Committee Work Plan that should be used to keep the Committee focused on the charge.  Estela stated that critical quality measurements must be used and shared with other Committees.  She said that it would be better to use five quality measurable indicators than to use 2,000 indicators that are difficult to measure and might not provide the data needed.


Rafael stated that the HDEC must understand the work of the other SustiNet Committees to aid in defining its work.  He also said that it would be possible to hold meetings with other Committees to help in determining the direction this Committee should take.  Leo Canty expressed concern that being involved with other Committees’ work would place the HDEC in a continual education loop that could hinder Committee progress.


Stephanie Paulmeno stated that she would like to receive emails with general information and updates on progress being made, with flags indicating if the message is urgent or if action is needed.  She also expressed concern about phone lines being available for the public and Committee members to use during conference calls.


Rafael asked Committee members how they would like to handle the decision making process with regard to recommendations, data sharing, and any other pertinent decisions to keep the Committee moving forward.


Estela suggested that voting be done individually for “hot topics” and by general consensus for less controversial subject matter.


Stephanie said that with general consensus voting, the minutes should reflect the viewpoints of those voting for and against the issue at hand.  If something does not receive general consensus, then the reason why should be included in the minutes.


Leo suggested that strong issues go to an individual vote, and that the voting should be recorded in the minutes along with any and all dissenting views.  Based on the majority vote, then the Committee will move in that direction and continue with its work.


Yvette Martas asked these two questions:  1. Will the co-chairs attend the March 10, 2010 retreat? 2. How will the Committee proceed with establishing meeting dates and times?  Meeting dates and times will be based on the availability and schedules of Committee members.  The Committee is starting out very late and needs to catch up to other Committees.  Leo offered his office (AFT Connecticut) in Rocky Hill for the next meeting.  All agreed to the location and began discussing dates and times.


Marie stated that Kevin invited the co-chairs to attend the March 10, 2010 SustiNet Retreat Meeting, and that they agreed to attend. 


Bonita and Marie started a discussion about how Connecticut Public Act 09-148 does not include a section specific to the Health Disparities and Equity Advisory Committee.  It was explained that the HDEC was added after the public act was vetoed by Governor Rell and then reinstated by the state legislature.


Yvette said that it is important for the Committee to define Health Disparities and Health Equity in order to build a framework to keep the Committee focused.  All Committee information will be posted on the SustiNet website on the Health Disparities and Equity webpage.


Brad Plebani offered to share copies of the 2009 Connecticut Health Disparities Report with members and to possibly provide a presentation in the near future.


The Office of the Healthcare Advocate offered to keep all pertinent Committee information on the Committee webpage, create a listserve for Committee members to share information, and provide any other staff support to assist Committee members in moving forward quickly.


Stephanie started the discussion about how this Committee needs to work with other groups, organizations, and SustiNet Advisory Committees to develop recommendations to the Board of Directors.  The general consensus among members was that communication, collaborative efforts, and strategizing are necessary to bring the Committee up to the task.


Bonita suggested that members bring their personal and professional calendars to the next meting to establish a committed day and time for future meetings.


Meeting was adjourned.


Next Meeting will be 3/1/10 at 7:30 am at AFT Connecticut, 35 Marshall Road, Rocky Hill.


Attached File:
Document attached HDEC_Meeting_Minutes_2-17-10_DRAFT.pdf

Content Last Modified on 3/16/2010 2:21:20 PM

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