Governor Rell: Governor's Press Releases 2008
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Governor's Press Releases 2008
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Press Releases - 11/2008
12/1/2008Gov. Rell Authorizes Additional Resources to Labor Department for Swift Distribution of Unemployment Aid
  “This plan will put extra people on the phone and extra resources at the Department of Labor to ensure that the people in our state who need this aid will get it with a minimum of hassles and headaches.”
12/1/2008Gov. Rell: Health Care Professionals Can Benefit from Loan Repayment Program
  Governor Rell announced that doctors, nurses and dentists who agree to practice in the state’s underserved and rural areas may be eligible for repayment of their student loans.
11/28/2008Governor Rell Kicks Off Operation E.L.F.
  The public can support a service member and their families by donating grocery gift cards, department store gift cards, phone cards and new, unwrapped toys.
11/28/2008Gov. Rell Directs Agencies to Have Projects ‘Shovel Ready’ in Anticipation of Stimulus
  “I have said all along that the best economic stimulus is jobs, jobs, jobs. We want these projects to be shovel-ready to get people working as soon as possible.”
11/28/2008Gov. Rell: Connecticut Manufacturers to Benefit from $1.2 Million in Assistance
  “This is a great investment because CONNSTEP is making a real difference in the bottom line for Connecticut manufacturers,” Governor Rell said. “It is a public-private partnership that is getting results.”
11/25/2008Governor Rell: Collective Bargaining Expert Hired to Help Identify Ways to Reduce State Government Labor Costs
  Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that the Office of Policy and Management has retained Saranne P. Murray, a partner in the law firm of Shipman and Goodwin, to assist the State in dealing with the State Employees’ Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) regarding the labor costs associated with Connecticut government.
11/25/2008Governor Rell Signs Deficit Mitigation Plan and Warns of Deeper Cuts Ahead
  Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced she has signed the two deficit mitigation bills approved by the General Assembly in Special Session Monday night, calling the legislation a “step in the right direction that will help bring state government in line with fiscal reality.”
11/25/2008Governor Rell Announces $10.2 Million in Open Space Grants to 29 Communities
  Grants to Assist with 33 Purchases Preserving 2,440 Acres
11/24/2008Governor Rell Announces Emergency Loans
  Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that U.S. Agriculture Secretary Edward Schafer has granted her request to issue a natural disaster designation for several counties hit by severe storms this summer, allowing farmers across the state to apply for emergency aid to cover crop losses.
11/24/2008Governor Rell Announces Grants to Boost Connecticut’s Biodiesel Industry
  Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced the state has awarded $350,000 in grants to seven biodiesel distribution facilities throughout Connecticut.
11/20/2008Governor Rell Applauds Extension of Federal Unemployment Benefits
  The Act provides seven more weeks of unemployment insurance benefits in many cases, but in states – including Connecticut – where the unemployment rate is above 6 percent, the Act provides an additional 13 weeks of extended benefits.
11/20/2008Governor Rell: Deficit Estimate Climbs to $356 Million
  "It is vital that the Legislature use the special session on Monday to act on the plan I have submitted to reduce state spending, and that legislative leaders continue working with me to identify additional areas to save. This is a time for leadership – no program, no constituency and no project can be held sacred."
11/20/2008Gov. Rell Announces Plan to Protect Homeowners, Renters Amid Foreclosure Crisis
  Governor Rell’s proposal includes a six-month moratorium on all foreclosures – during which homeowners would be required to continue paying interest and taxes – and a mandatory, 60-day mediation period on all contested foreclosures.
11/19/2008Gov. Rell Orders Flags Lowered Thursday in Honor of WWII Airman’s Interment
11/19/2008Governor Rell joins Governors of NY and NJ to Seek Aid for Displaced Financial Services Workers
  Governor Rell said the federal grant will allow the three states to develop a coordinated response to help displaced workers. The grant would provide individuals with training accounts of $12,500 for 24 months for job search and relocation assistance
11/18/2008Governor Rell: AT&T, DPUC Must Make Major Improvements in Timely Customer Service
  “Currently customers seem to have an especially hard time even reaching AT&T: Of all reporting companies, AT&T has had the lowest percentage of calls answered within sixty seconds and the highest percentage of calls abandoned by customers. It is clear some changes are in order.”
11/18/2008Governor Rell Announces New College Student Loan Program with State Credit Unions
  The new student loan program would offer very low interest rates at no higher than 6 percent or 5.75 percent. Institutions offering 6 percent loans will be able to defer interest payments for one year; credit unions offering 5.75 percent loans would not defer interest payments.
11/18/2008Governor Rell and Governor Patrick Announce Effort to Protect Habitat on the Connecticut-Massachusetts Border
  Comprising 254 acres in Southwick, Massachusetts, and 196 acres in Suffield, Connecticut, the property will be managed jointly by the two states as habitat for a variety of migratory birds and other species.
11/17/2008Gov. Rell Joins Lincoln Commission to Unveil Bicentennial Events
11/17/2008Gov. Rell Launches 25th Annual Holiday ‘Care & Share’ Drive to Support Food Pantries
  Care and Share donations will be collected at sites around the state Capitol and in state agency offices.
11/16/2008Gov. Rell: Hundreds of Citizens Weighing in on State Budget
11/14/2008Governor Rell: Legislation to Target Deceptive Debt Relief
  “As more Connecticut residents face financial turmoil and possibly even foreclosure, they are answering the solicitations of individuals or companies that promise help. Unfortunately, this so-called help is nothing more than an attempt to charge unnecessary fees for services that these consumers could have received for free or for a nominal fee with a reputable company.”
11/13/2008Gov. Rell Announces Launch of $9 Million Connecticut Clean Tech Fund
  “We want to position Connecticut as the preferred location to grow clean tech jobs.”
11/12/2008Governor Rell: Heating Aid Approved for Seniors and Non-Profits
  "With this package now in place, we can offer real relief and ease the fears of those who wondered how they would pay soaring fuel bills."
11/12/2008Gov. Rell: Report Shows Budget Deficits Rising Sharply
  “Families already struggling in this economy are not responsible for the mess the economy is in – but they are already paying the price and the price is too high. They cannot afford to pay even more in taxes – at any level of government.”
11/12/2008Gov. Rell: Loan Program Helping Connecticut Homeowners
  Governor Rell announced that Connecticut homeowners using the refinancing program she created last December in response to the subprime mortgage crisis have reduced their monthly payments by an average of $397 in the first year of the program.
11/12/2008Gov. Rell to Establish Official State Veterans’ Memorial
  The advisory group will advise the Governor on location, design, fundraising and other issues related to establishing a statewide memorial.
11/10/2008Governor Rell Issues Veterans Day Proclamation
11/10/2008Gov. Rell: $2 Million to Treat Vets Suffering from Trauma Disorders
  The five-year program, administered by the state Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, is designed to divert veterans who have committed minor crimes from jail to community services.
11/6/2008Gov. Rell Announces Marketing Funds Available for Eligible CT Food Businesses
  Small businesses in Connecticut that specialize in Connecticut-grown food products may be eligible for up to $300,000 each in federal funds to help market their products internationally.
11/6/2008Governor Rell Outlines Plan for $25 Million in Aid to Alleviate Foreclosure Crisis
  The state’s proposed plan will allocate $6 million to Bridgeport; $3,566,000 to Waterbury; $3,320,000 to New Haven; $2,977,000 to Stamford; $2,805,000 to Hartford; $1,826,000 to Meriden; and $1,823,300 to New Britain. Comments on the plan can be emailed to until November 21, 2008.
11/3/2008Gov. Rell Announces New Energy Audit Program for Homes with Oil and Propane Heat
  The new program, which is set to begin November 15, starts with the cleaning, tuning and testing of a customer’s furnace. The efficiency of the heating system is then audited. The program is an $800 value but costs the consumer just $75.

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