Governor Rell: Governor's Press Releases 2007
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Governor's Press Releases 2007
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Press Releases - 12/2007
12/31/2007Governor Rell Suggests “Top 10 Consumer To-Do List”
  “These are quick and easy items that you can scratch off your list in less than a day, and the payoff will be less frustration and greater peace of mind throughout the coming year.”
12/31/2007Governor Rell Urges Residents to Make New Year’s Resolution to Spend More Time Outdoors, Buy State Park Season Pass
  The state park season pass can be purchased from DEP either online, by mail or in person.
12/31/2007Governor Rell: Public Can Support Troops on December 31
  Governor Rell requested a statewide moment of silence and tolling of bells at noon on December 31 in memory of the seven men with Connecticut ties killed in Iraq in 2007.
12/27/2007Governor Rell Announces Online Courses for High School Students
  “We want to use online courses to increase access to high quality content so that every student in Connecticut will have access to the courses they need when they need them.”
12/27/2007Governor Rell: Christmas Day "Safe Havens" Baby Demonstrates Importance Of Law And Public Awareness
  “To have a healthy baby brought to a Safe Haven on Christmas Day is a particularly poignant reminder of why everyone needs to know about this law. Any time we can make sure a baby is safe and well provided for, it is great day for everyone in Connecticut.”
12/26/2007Governor Rell Offers Online Safety Tips for Parents
  “Children will be spending more time talking to their friends online, and parents need to know who their children are chatting with. By following just a few internet safety tips, we can help parents protect their children.”
12/24/2007Governor Rell to Propose Restrictions on Personal Information Available Through Online Directory Assistance
  “Anyone who goes to or will find personal information published that many people may want protected,” Governor Rell said. “With a few clicks of the keyboard, anyone can find the age and gender of a person, where they live, where they work, birthdates and other identifying information. This is a safety and security issue – particularly for our elderly citizens who too often are targeted by scam artists and other opportunists.”
12/24/2007Governor Rell: Professional & Occupational License Renewals Can Now Be Done Online
  “There’s no need to travel across the state and no need to mail a check and wait for it to clear. These are secure, online credit payments that go through immediately.”
12/21/2007Governor Rell Announces New Web Site on Teen Driving Task Force
  “This Web site is a great way for task force members to communicate information to the parents of teenage drivers and teenagers themselves.”
12/21/2007Governor Rell Announces Intense, Statewide Crackdown on Unsafe Driving Under Way
  “This is a long-term, broad-based effort to get at the root of one of the most persistent problems in Connecticut: unsafe and aggressive driving, whether by cars or trucks.”
12/20/2007Gov. Rell Announces New Web Site on Teen Driving Task Force
  Customers can write to with any questions or suggestions about the new Web site or to contact a task force member.
12/20/2007Governor Rell: Surplus Up From Last Month
  “While the surplus continues to rise and we continue to grow jobs in Connecticut, there is no denying that the state is feeling the direct impact of unrelenting increases in the price of crude oil, home heating oil and gasoline.”
12/20/2007Governor Rell Lauds $125 Million “Mortgage Relief Fund” to Assist Subprime Borrowers
  “Many homeowners in Connecticut are struggling with mortgage payments that suddenly and dramatically increased as a result of sharply higher interest rates. This new initiative represents another important resource to help people keep their homes.”
12/20/2007Governor Rell Announces Funds for Traffic Enforcement in Avon, Bloomfield, Farmington, Simsbury, West Hartford
  “These funds are designed to address traffic violations of all types, including speeding, tailgating, red-light violations and safety issues, but is not specific to truck inspections only. The grant will enable these towns to have extra officers on the road a few times a week to help with enforcement of all vehicles, not just trucks.”
12/20/2007Governor Rell Calls EPA Ruling Blocking Tough Emissions Standards ‘Inexcusable’
  “The EPA has not only refused to take a leadership role in addressing greenhouse gas emissions, it is now actually holding back states from doing so on their own. They have gone from being a passive failure to actively interfering with progress.”
12/19/2007Governor Rell Commends Congress for Restoring Alternative Minimum Tax Relief
  “I thank Congress for voting to protect Connecticut’s taxpayers. Without a fix to this tax, more than one in four state taxpayers would have been subject to a tax intended for the nation’s highest income earners.”
12/19/2007Governor Rell Announces Upcoming Release of Funding for Operation Fuel Grant Program, Expansion Effort
  “Constant pressure from debt can be an incredibly demoralizing experience and complicate any number of other everyday transactions. This program is intended to help low-income residents get out from under that burden, maintain their heat and light and get their financial house in order without having to sacrifice essentials such as food or medicine.”
12/19/2007Governor Rell Announces Grants for Non-Profit Arts Groups
  “This investment helps arts organizations throughout the state bring quality programming to larger audiences, further engage residents in their communities and continue to improve our quality of life.”
12/19/2007Governor Rell Announces Additional Rail Parking in New Haven
  “We think the additional available parking will be welcomed by rail users. The Union Station garage and surface lot often experience capacity issues, and while this is only a temporary solution, it will definitely help our riders access the system.”
12/19/2007Governor Rell Applauds President’s Signing of Energy Bill
  “This legislation will help put America on a clean energy path. We have said from the beginning that we must work together at the state and national levels to create a new energy future for America, and we are very pleased that the Congress and the President have listened to our concerns.”
12/18/2007Governor Rell: Failure to Remove Snow and Ice on Top of Vehicles Is Against the Law and Is Being Enforced
  “This is more than a pet peeve for many Connecticut residents -- it is a significant safety hazard and it is entirely preventable. The bottom line is that it is each driver’s responsibility to clear snow and ice from his or her vehicle.”
12/18/2007Governor Rell Urges President, Defense Department to Continue Production of F-22 Raptor Fighter Jets
  “Like the decision to move forward with early procurement for building two submarines a year for the Navy, keeping the Raptor production lines humming will ensure that we do not lose these vital jobs – and the highly skilled men and women who fill them – in our aerospace industry.”
12/18/2007Governor Rell: License Plate Purchases Help Preserve Long Island Sound
  “I urge state residents to purchase these special plates. Long Island Sound is one of Connecticut’s most precious natural resources where thousands of people enjoy its recreational benefits every year.”
12/17/2007Governor Rell Calls on Congressional Delegation to Restore Alternative Minimum Tax Relief
  “Most new filers affected by an unchanged alternative minimum tax will be middle income taxpayers and these are people who were never intended to be subject to this tax. The tax was originally targeted at the wealthy, but it will ensnare more middle-class taxpayers each year unless Congress acts.”
12/17/2007Governor Rell Calls on Congressional Delegation to Restore Alternative Minimum Tax Relief
  “Most new filers affected by an unchanged alternative minimum tax will be middle income taxpayers and these are people who were never intended to be subject to this tax. The tax was originally targeted at the wealthy, but it will ensnare more middle-class taxpayers each year unless Congress acts.”
12/17/2007Governor Rell Cites Progress on I-84 Project in Cheshire
  “First and foremost, I want our commuters and travelers to know that the highway is safe and that the corrective work is being completed in a timely manner and without any additional costs to the State.”
12/14/2007Governor Rell Reassures Clients of New Haven’s Community Action Agency: Services to Public Continue
  “My primary and immediate concern is to ensure the continuity of services for the thousands of area residents who rely on this community action agency for services.”
12/14/2007Governor Rell Launches Initiative to Coordinate Staggered Early Dismissals on Snow Days
  “Any employer wants to make sure their employees get home safely when a storm of Wednesday’s magnitude strikes. However, it is critical that all of us – the state and private companies alike – coordinate our decisions when it comes to early dismissals.”
12/13/2007Governor Rell Announces Early Dismissal For Non-Essential State Employees
12/12/2007Governor Rell: New Law Provides Boost for Low-Income Children and Families
  “Early education is the foundation upon which future success is built, and this law will help us to make further progress in our early childhood education efforts.”
12/12/2007Governor Rell to Declare December 13 Boston Red Sox Day in Connecticut
  “This year’s World Series championship is still fresh in the hearts and minds of Red Sox fans in Connecticut. This is truly a special opportunity, not only for the die hard Red Sox fans in Connecticut, but for baseball fans across the state who will have a special opportunity to get a close up look at a piece of sports history.”
12/12/2007Governor Rell Announces Ralph Carpenter Retiring as Commissioner of Transportation
  “Ralph Carpenter’s entire career has been dedicated to the people and the state of Connecticut. In every role he has been innovative, dependable and supremely energetic. All of us are indebted to him.”
12/11/2007Governor Rell Announces Additional Electricity Contracts For State Buildings Will Save Another $2 Million
  “The fact that so much of the electricity under these contracts is clean and renewable – as well as cheaper – is a win-win for Connecticut. This is a success story for our taxpayers and our environment.”
12/11/2007Connecticut Farmers Offer Coupons for Holiday Trees to Local Military Families
  “The void created by an absent family member is even more pronounced during the holidays, which typically are a very family-oriented time. We hope the generosity shown by the farmers will help to warm these military homes while their loved ones are away.”
12/8/2007Governor Rell Urges Consumers to Stay Informed About Lead Recalls
  “A number of toy manufacturers this summer recalled children’s toys due to possible lead contamination. This holiday season it is important that parents and consumers stay aware of any recalled toys and products that could be potentially harmful. Shop safely.”
12/7/2007Governor Rell Announces Teleconference With GAO Regarding FAA Redesign Plan
  “The purpose of the call was to reinforce to the GAO that the FAA airspace redesign plan is simply unacceptable. Noise impacts, more planes flying at lower levels, expanded holding patterns over residential neighborhoods and impacts to state park and forest lands all add up to a plan that is fundamentally flawed.”
12/7/2007Governor Rell Urges Fire Safety, Offers Tips to Keep Families Safe
  “Our hearts and thoughts go out to the families and loved ones of the victims who perished in this tragic fire. At the same time, I am urging Connecticut residents to take just a few simple steps that can save lives during the cold weather. Please play it safe when heating your homes.”
12/6/2007Governor Rell: Lower U.S. and State Flags to Half Staff on Pearl Harbor Day
  “This year marks the 66th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I urge Connecticut residents to remember and dedicate this day to honor those who so valiantly gave their lives to defend this great nation.”
12/6/2007Governor Rell: 23 New Faculty Slots at CSUS
  “Bolstering university faculty in this area will keep Connecticut’s economy strong. We must continue to inspire and encourage Connecticut students’ interest and achievement in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and strengthening our teaching staff is a positive step.”
12/5/2007Governor Rell: Coltsville Receives Federal Landmark Designation
  “This marks a major victory for preservation and a big win for Hartford’s continued revitalization. Samuel Colt himself certainly would have been thrilled to hear this news.”
12/5/2007Governor Rell Directs Health Department to Assist Court-Appointed Care Monitor for Haven
  “From the outset, I have emphasized that protecting the health and safety of nursing home residents is the first priority in state government’s role. I welcome the appointment of the special care consultant by the Bankruptcy Court.”
12/5/2007Governor Rell: Children's Mental Health Treatment Advancing in Connecticut
  “In large part as a result of the group homes, DCF successfully has reduced by 30 percent the number of children receiving services in larger residential treatment centers since April 2004.”
12/4/2007Governor Rell Warns Residents About Dangers of Carbon Monoxide
  “The recent incidents of carbon monoxide poisoning demonstrate how important it is that residents be aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide.”
12/4/2007Governor Rell: Chief State’s Attorney, DPS, U.S. Attorney to Work on Noose Incidents
  “These incidents are repugnant and will not be tolerated. The state will lend whatever support it can to arresting and punishing the individuals responsible for these despicable acts.”
12/3/2007Governor Rell: Small Business Assistance Program Expanding Statewide
  “Connecticut’s small and entrepreneurial businesses in all 169 cities and towns now have access to URBANK’s financing to meet their business needs and to create more jobs for state residents.”

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