Comprehensive Evaluation and Transformation of Connecticut’s Cleanup Laws

An Opportunity to Further Connecticut’s Environmental and Economic Agenda
Photo of Former General Oil - now Goodwin CollegePhoto of Former General Oil Terminal - now Goodwin College

Message to Stakeholders 

The Department would like to thank all of the stakeholders for their continued participation in the process of transforming the State's cleanup laws and regulations with the goal of achieving more cleanups more efficiently and effectively. The Department greatly appreciates the efforts and time spent by all stakeholders on this complex topic.  Your feedback is valued and may be submitted via e-mail.

Release-Based Clean Up Program Regulation Development

Proposed Amendments to the RSRs and EURs

After a comprehensive evaluation of the State’s cleanup laws, the Department released a Draft Proposal for a Transformed Cleanup Program on February 7, 2013.  Proposed Amendments to the RSRs were public noticed on July 8, 2019.  "Wave 2" Proposed RSR Amendments

Transformation Materials

Guiding Principles

Make Your Voice Heard and Stay Involved

If you are interested in staying involved and up-to-date, please ensure that you are signed up for Remediation e-alerts, so you can know when we post additional information on this topic.

Content Last Updated November 17, 2020