Pollution Prevention For
Vehicle Repair, Auto Body Shops and Auto Recyclers

Image of Pits Stops Logo

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has prepared information including fact sheets and compliance checklists for the vehicle services industry, which includes vehicle maintenance and repair facilities, auto body shops and auto recyclers (salvage, junkyard operations). The fact sheets outline basic regulatory requirements and best management practices; they do not constitute legal advice, they represent a starting point for understanding what environmental regulations your business is subject to. 

You will need a license issued by the CT Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to repair or sell motor vehicles to consumers in Connecticut and to operate a motor vehicle recycler’s yard (aka junkyard). Please visit the DMV website to obtain the appropriate license application and instructions for applying. The DMV application requires a Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Compliance Certification Form as part of the DMV Dealer’s, Repairer’s or Auto Recycler license applications. The DEEP Compliance Certification Form was updated in February 2023 and now incorporates previous requirements included in the DEEP Referral Form, self-audit checklist and compliance certification. 

DEEP Compliance Certification Form is available in pdf format and as a Word document.  

Part B of this form is an updated self-audit checklist that you should print out and use regularly to make sure you are in compliance. DEEP and DMV inspectors will use this self-audit checklist to inspect your facilities for compliance. 


Stops Fact Sheets

These fact sheets may help you in identifying areas where you can reduce the regulations that you must comply with, protect yourself from fines and liabilities, and protect you and your employees from hazards in the shop. 

Updated 2014-15; links updated January 2023
Introduction Shop Wastewater
Antifreeze SPCC Plans
Aquifer Protection Spill Reporting
Batteries (Lead Acid) Stormwater
Batteries (Other Types) Tires
Body Repair and Painting Used Oil
Mercury Switches Waste Fuel, Tanks & Filters 
Parts Cleaning Frequently Asked Questions
Petroleum Storage and Dispensing  Purchasing Environmentally Preferable  Products (EPPs)
Property Transfer Hazardous Waste Management: Appendix A
Rags and Absorbents Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA): Appendix B
Recycling Vehicle Fluids Mixing Chart: Appendix C
Refrigerants (CFCs) Contact Information
Related Information

For more information, contact the Office of Pollution Prevention, e-mail: Pollution Prevention Coordinator.  

Vendors, products and services listed in these fact sheets are supplied as a source of information and are neither approved nor endorsed by DEEP. You should fully investigate any vendor performance claims before investing in such product or service. Be aware that implementation of some pollution prevention options (such as installation of a solvent distillation unit) may require authorization, permits or modification to existing permits from DEEP or other agencies.

Content last updated February 2023