DEEP's LEAN Initiative

LEAN Objective:

DEEP Lean TransformationLEAN is a core value at DEEP with an emphasis upon addressing the various needs of our diverse customers. This is a critical growth strategy that provides efficiency, effectiveness, eliminates waste, and improves timeliness, accessibility, transparency and predictability.


Since 2008, DEEP has undertaken close to 80 process improvement projects and 60% of employees have been trained in LEAN skills. 

The LEAN principles provide the tools and resources our employees need to engage in working within and across agencies on process improvements and are provided with time to address new challenges and subsequently demonstrate key performance results.  DEEP is also taking advantage of innovative technology solutions to create efficiencies and improve customer service through "eGov" initiatives. 

In 2011, DEEP proudly became one of the original members of the Statewide Process Improvement Steering Committee in response to C.G.S. 4-68z.  Presently, the committee is comprised of fourteen members spanning all strategic areas of the Executive Branch of state government.  This committee focuses on interagency LEAN opportunities and assisting state agencies with the utilization of LEAN tools and help to create a sustainable, customer oriented and efficient organizational culture.

Green and LEAN
Projects and Results:

As part of a LEAN Kaizen event, project deliverables include:

  • Team Charters
  • Team PowerPoint Presentation
  • Team Implementation Project Plans (two, six and twelve month tasks including expected results)
  • Team Summaries of each of the Lean events
  • Key Performance Indicators and other relevant information

DEEP Green and Lean Video

What is LEAN?

LeanCT Home

eGov Fact Sheet

Related Resources


DEEP LEAN Coordinator - Nicole Lugli, at 860-424-3611 or Alison Neuman Fisher, OPM Statewide Coordinator LeanCT, 860-418-6212.

Content Last Updated on April 12, 2016