Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy (BETP)

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Header Mission

The Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy manages energy, telecommunication, and broadband policy issues and program deployment for the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection with the goal of establishing a clean, economical, resilient, and reliable energy and technology future for all residents.

The Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy has four offices:

Header Strategic Plans and Reports

Energy Action Plan ThumbThe Energy Action Plan outlines the State’s longer term strategy to improve energy affordability and reliability by reducing our dependence on fossil fuel supplies that are vulnerable to geopolitical disruptions and extreme weather events. The State’s strategy focuses on energy efficiency and clean energy resources, and capitalizing on historic federal funding opportunities available to invest in these areas.


CES thumbnailThe Comprehensive Energy Strategy examines future energy needs in the state, sets policy for statewide energy planning, and identifies opportunities to reduce costs for ratepayers, ensure reliable energy availability, and mitigate public health and environmental impacts of Connecticut's energy use, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emissions of criteria air pollutants.


Greenhouse Gas InventoryThe Connecticut Greenhouse Gas Inventory reports economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions annually and summarizes the state’s progress toward climate-related targets under the Global Warming Solutions Act.



IRP ThumbThe Integrated Resources Plan comprises an assessment of the future electricity needs and a plan to meet those needs. Integrated resources planning examines both demand-side (conservation, energy efficiency, etc.) resources and supply-side (generation/power plants, transmission lines, etc.) resources to determine how to best meet future electric energy needs in the state.


Conservation Load Management ThumbThe Conservation and Load Management Plan is an energy efficiency and demand management investment plan that develops programs and initiatives to help Connecticut residents and businesses become more energy efficient.



Electric Vehicle RoadmapThe EV Roadmap for Connecticut outlines pathways to achieve wide-scale deployment of electric vehicles. This roadmap complements existing transportation-sector strategies to drive reductions in harmful criteria pollutants, help the state meet federal health-based air quality standards, and mitigate communities' exposure to mobile air source toxicants.


Connecticut Broadband ReportThe Connecticut Broadband Report examines barriers to universal broadband access, identifies any grants awarded pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 16-330c, and summarizes Connecticut’s progress toward closing the digital divide.

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Content last updated: July 2022