Coastal Management

lighthouse image
Coastal Management Overview

Connecticut's coast provides myriad opportunities for recreation, public access, commercial fishing, marine trades and international shipping, as well as habitat for fish, shellfish, birds, wildlife and plants. Therefore, we need to ensure it is available for future generations. Learn how Connecticut's Coastal Management Program works to balance the protection of coastal resources with sustainable economic uses of the shoreline.

fishing pier image
Coastal Planning

Coastal land use planning promotes the consistent application of the goals and policies of Connecticut's Coastal Management Act in order to maintain the compatibility of coastal uses with the protection of coastal resources. Access a variety of planning guidance, including Connecticut's Coastal Management Manual.



Side view of dockCoastal Permitting

Find information about the different types of coastal permits and permitting requirements for activities proposed in coastal, tidal, or navigable waters, or within tidal wetlands.


geolocation map of LWRD complaint form
Coastal Enforcement

Need to file a coastal or inland wetlands complaint? Have you received a Notice of Non-Compliance and are unsure what it means? Want to learn more about how DEEP Enforces coastal permits? Find out information about how the Land and Water Resources Division enforces its permits and protects our wetlands and watercourses.


Great egret within tidal wetlands

Coastal Habitat Restoration

Managing Connecticut's coast includes repairing natural areas that have been damaged from past activities. Learn about Connecticut's coastal habitats and how they are being restored.



Wetland grass along sandy beach with lighthouse in the distance.

Living Shorelines

Learn about living shorelines and their applications
in Coastal Management.

Tidal Wetlands

Learn about this important coastal habitat and how it is protected in Connecticut.  


Ft. Trumbull image

Municipal Harbor Management

Under the Harbor Management Act, towns may create Harbor Management Commissions to develop a harbor management plan to establish goals and make recommendations for the use, development, and preservation of their harbor.



Boats at moorings.

Harbor Masters

In conjunction with a municipal harbor management plan, Connecticut's Harbor Masters supervise moorings and harbor activity to ensure navigational safety and consistency with the plan. However, Harbor Masters may also be appointed for towns without Harbor Management Commissions. See which towns have a local Harbor Master.  

TS Irene image

Coastal Hazards

Understand more about the types of hazards that affect Connecticut's dynamic coast and learn everything to be prepared for the next coastal hazard event.




Connecticut River image

Section 309 Coastal Management Assessment

Connecticut's Coastal Management Assessment and Strategies relate to nine coastal zone enhancement objectives specified in Section 309 of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1996. These nine enhancement areas are assessed as they apply to Connecticut to identify the relative importance of each area in consideration of the state’s approved coastal management program.



Content Last Updated May 1, 2023