Governor Rell: Governor Press Releases 2004
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Governor Press Releases 2004
Press Releases - 11/2004
11/30/2004Governor Rell Announces $500,000 to Build Senior Center in Franklin
  “The creation of a new senior center in Franklin will greatly enhance the quality of life for the town’s elderly residents. The new center will provide a meeting place for seniors and give residents the added facilities that they require. It will also alleviate the overcrowding that exists at the Town Hall.”
11/30/2004Governor Rell Receives DOT Commissioner’s Plan to Centralize Contracting
  “This plan achieves my goals of a centralized system with the Commissioner's direct oversight. This plan lays out uniform steps for every contract, so red flags ought to go up whenever an inconsistency is noted. It also achieves this important goal without piling on dozens of new layers of process, adding costs or significantly slowing the procedure of getting these contracts approved."
11/29/2004Governor Rell Announces $500,000 for East Hampton Elderly Housing
  “By making much-needed improvements to these two East Hampton facilities, we will help seniors who live there stay safe and continue to live independent lives. At the same time, this rehabilitation will preserve buildings that will continue to serve the residents of East Hampton for years to come.”
11/29/2004Governor Rell, Rep. Shays Announce $130,000 to Boost Energy Efficiency in Southwestern Connecticut
  “We must continue to do all we can to make it easier to do business in Connecticut, and that means lowering ‘the cost of doing business’ in Connecticut. By lowering energy costs, we are achieving that goal.”
11/26/2004Governor Rell to Visit National Guard Armories in Support of Operation ELF
  The Governor’s scheduled Armory visits in support of Connecticut's military families are as follows: Monday, Nov. 29, 1:15 p.m. at the Westbrook Armory. Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2:30 p.m. at the New Britain Armory. Thursday, Dec. 2, 10:45 a.m. at the Naugatuck Armory. Friday, Dec. 3, 1:30 p.m. at the Manchester Armory. Wednesday, Dec. 8, 12:00 p.m. at the Bristol Armory. Monday, Dec. 13, 2:00 p.m. at the Enfield Armory.
11/26/2004Governor Rell Announces Restoration of Benefits in Low-Income Heating Assistance Program
  “One of the basic functions of government is to protect the health and safety of our most vulnerable citizens. With this extra funding we will be able to offer a little bit more help to households in need this winter."
11/26/2004Governor’s Residence Announces Holiday Open House Schedule
  The Holiday Open House at the Residence begins on Friday, December 3 at 990 Prospect Avenue in Hartford. Admission is free. The Governor will greet guests beginning at 10 a.m. Friday. The Open House continues through Sunday, December 5. The hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday.
11/24/2004Gov. Rell statement on Army Sgt. Joseph Michael Nolan
  Governor M. Jodi Rell issued the following statement today after learning of the death of Army Sgt. Joseph Michael Nolan, 27, a native of Waterbury.
11/23/2004Governor Picks Former Liberty Bank Vice President for Executive Director of Special Revenue
  Young was Senior Vice President of Liberty Bank in Middletown from 1996 to 2004, managing a system of 34 branches and a sales force of 120 people. He was Senior Vice President at Fleet Bank in Hartford from 1991 to 1996, having held a number of positions at predecessor Connecticut Bank & Trust Co. between 1965 and 1991.
11/23/2004Governor Rell Announces $235,000 for Meriden-Wallingford Women’s Shelter
  Governor Rell said these funds will allow the Meriden-Wallingford branch of Chrysalis, Inc. to move forward with plans to purchase a 2,800 square-foot home to replace its existing shelter for domestic violence victims.
11/23/2004Governor Rell’s Statement on CL&P Rate Increase Request
  “I am directing the Office of Consumer Counsel to vigorously oppose this rate increase. I recognize that the underlying costs of the fuels used to create energy have increased, and I understand the need for utilities to make a reasonable profit. But a 30 percent rate increase, especially at this point in the economic cycle, is clearly excessive and unaffordable."
11/22/2004Statement of Governor Rell Following Congressional Action on Emergency LIHEAP Funding
  "Because the emergency funding will be disbursed at the direction of the President, I will be in contact with White House officials to make sure Connecticut gets its fair share. I will also continue to press for additional funding from Congress as winter continues, especially if oil prices remain at these near-record levels.”
11/22/2004Governor’s Budget to Include $750,000 for Efforts to Save Groton Submarine Base
  “The money will help cover the expenses associated with making our case to the officials in the Pentagon, the Congress and the President. It could help save a base with an annual payroll, civilian and military, of more than $450 million dollars and an estimated financial impact of $2.5 billion dollars. That’s a healthy return on investment."
11/19/2004Governor Rell Announces First Shipment of Virginia Rail Cars is Complete
  “We’re making this happen, as swiftly and as safely as we can. Now that the last of the cars are in the New Haven yards we can get them into Amtrak’s shops, get them cleaned and converted, then get them into service on Shore Line East before the winter hits full-force."
11/19/2004Governor Rell Appoints Shelton Resident Farrell to State Board of Education
  “I want the best and brightest education minds serving on our State Board of Education, and Lynne Farrell will be a terrific addition. Lynne brings to the Board a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Her contributions will be pivotal to the board as it continues to make important decisions regarding the future of Connecticut’s children and schools."
11/18/2004Governor Rell To Dedicate New Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Truck
  "The new Rescue Truck is a great addition to the training program at the Connecticut Fire Academy. Our rescue truck allows us to take our training on the road, enabling us to serve more of the state’s fire departments. And now with the new truck we can provide training on some of the latest technologies.”
11/18/2004Governor Rell Announces $650,000 Grant to Vernon’s Village Street Neighborhood
  “This is also a good example of how the state and federal governments can work together to greatly enhance the quality of life at the local level for Connecticut residents. Local officials understand the unique and special needs of their own communities. Congressman Rob Simmons understands that as well, and Rep. Simmons has done a great job ensuring that local communities like Vernon have access to the resources they need.”
11/18/2004Gov. Rell's Official Thanksgiving Proclamation
  "In accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut and in keeping with the traditions set forth by Governors of Connecticut since colonial times, I hereby proclaim November 25, 2004, to be a day of Public Thanksgiving. I urge all our citizens to join me in expressing our deepest gratitude to those who touch our lives everyday and in extending a healing hand of hope to those whom most need it."
11/18/2004A Thanksgiving Message from Governor Rell
  "From the Salvation Army to Foodshare, from the Red Cross to the scores of other charitable organizations throughout Connecticut and across the country, I urge state residents to find a way to reach out to those who are in need this holiday season. Every little bit helps. Clean out your closet and donate clothes. Put an extra turkey or canned good in your shopping cart and drop it off at a food drive. Schedule a time to give blood. Through a small gesture, you can and will make a difference in the quality of someone’s life. There is no better gift."
11/17/2004Governor Rell Announces Additional Flu Vaccine Directed to Bridgeport
  “I’m very pleased that we can send additional doses of vaccine to Bridgeport and area health officials. We’re striving to make sure that everyone who needs a shot will be able to get one, and that means we continually review the distribution picture and try to plug any ‘gaps.’"
11/17/2004Governor Rell Announces Return of Two Services for the Blind
  Governor Rell today announced the return of two telephone services for people who are blind or visually impaired: Job Line and News Line. Both services, supported by the Board of Education and Services for the Blind, are accessible to registered users through any touch-tone telephone.
11/16/2004Governor Rell Announces Funding to Support People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Family Caregivers
  “These new services will test innovative ways to make a difference in the lives of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and to support family members in one of the most difficult challenges any of us will ever face."
11/16/2004Governor Rell to Host Manufacturing Symposium Friday at State Capitol
  “We’re letting everyone know that manufacturing is neither dead nor dying in the state of Connecticut. We will be spreading the word that state government is here to help Connecticut manufacturers. We will also be talking about the reasons businesses should choose Connecticut to grow and expand: Our workforce is the best-educated, highest-skilled and most-productive in the country.”
11/15/2004Governor Rell Sends ‘Thank You’ to Doctors and Companies That Donated Flu Vaccine
  Governor Rell today sent thank you letter to the eight Connecticut physicians and businesses that sold or donated flu vaccine to local health authorities to help ensure those at highest risk received a potentially life-saving flu shot.
11/15/2004Governor Rell Requests State Flags Lowered to Half Staff in Honor of Cpl. Kevin J. Dempsey
  Governor Rell issued the following statement Monday after learning of the death on Saturday of Cpl. Kevin J. Dempsey, 23, of Monroe, Connecticut. Dempsey was killed in combat in Al Anbar Province while supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. “I am deeply saddened to learn of the loss of Corporal Dempsey,” Governor Rell said. “All of Connecticut joins me in honoring his service to our nation. The thoughts and prayers of everyone in the state go out to his family at this emotional time.” Governor Rell requested that all state flags be lowered to half staff in remembrance of Cpl. Dempsey until sundown on the day of his interment, which is yet to be determined.
11/12/2004Governor Rell Appoints Rebecca Lobo to UConn Board of Trustees
  “Rebecca has proven herself to be a winner both on and off the court. She is a smart and articulate young woman and a role model for young people across the country. She is an icon in this state and I am proud to name her a Trustee."
11/12/2004Governor Rell Announces First Virginia Rail Cars Now Running on Shoreline East
  Governor Rell said that in all, six coaches purchased from Virginia have now been retrofitted and passed inspection. These cars, as well as 20 others now in Connecticut, will be phased into service on the state-owned Shoreline East line over the next several weeks. When all of the cars acquired from Virginia are in service, they will allow 2,000 new seats to be added to the heavily used New Haven Line.
11/12/2004Governor Rell Announces Surplus Figures; Calls for Discipline in Coming Budget Process
  "Here's the bottom line on the next two years: We're still in a time when budget discipline is an absolute necessity. The last thing the budget surplus figures should do is encourage anyone to start thinking about big new spending programs. Moreover, we're going to have to make sure that efforts to close this shortfall don’t do anything to compromise economic recovery. We need to make sure the economic climate in this state remains as attractive as possible for business and investment."
11/10/2004Governor Rell Announces Actions Taken to Address Questions About Driver’s Licenses
  “Changes are needed at the DMV to ensure accountability and security in all facets of licensing procedures. The people of Connecticut expect and demand nothing less, and I will not settle for anything less. The steps we have taken and these new measures continue to move us in the right direction. Make no mistake: We will stay focused on this issue to guarantee that our security is not threatened by anyone.”
11/10/2004Governor Rell Appoints Massachusetts Woman New Commissioner of DEP
  “Gina has an outstanding record of accomplishment on key environmental issues. In addition, she has proven herself to be a strong manager, and someone with the ability to strike the proper balance between the need to protect our environment with the need for continued economic growth. I know she will focus strongly on efforts to preserve open space and farmland, protect Long Island Sound and our other waterways, as well as make progress in improving our air quality.”
11/10/2004Governor Rell to Establish Veterans Hall of Fame
  “Each year we will induct a small group of veterans who deserve special recognition for their post-military commitment to improving the lives of fellow Americans. The contributions of these men and women are too numerous to list – from Scoutmasters, church leaders and poll workers to police officers, firefighters and even state commissioners.”
11/10/2004Governor Rell Proclaims November 11 Veterans Day, Urges Display of Flags, Community and School Activities
  “There are 310,000 veterans living in Connecticut. We are proud of their service to our nation. We also have a new ‘greatest generation’ of citizen soldiers as well. They are the brave men and women from Connecticut serving our nation in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan. These military forces include about 500 members of Connecticut’s National Guard who have been activated for this conflict.”
11/9/2004Governor Rell Announces More Flu Vaccine On Way; Connecticut Expecting a New 77,570 Doses
  “These additional doses will go far to meet the needs of those who are most at risk due to complications of the flu. We will continue to work tirelessly to obtain as many flu vaccine doses as possible for the people of Connecticut.”
11/9/2004Governor Rell Blasts FERC Decision on Split Energy Pricing
  The Governor noted that FERC’s decision came despite opposition from Connecticut’s Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) and Office of Consumer Counsel and the written objections of the Attorneys General from Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. “This decision must not stand,” Governor Rell said. “I am directing DPUC and the Consumer Counsel to fight this illogical plan as vigorously as possible.”
11/8/2004"Actions, not words, are the ultimate results of leadership"
  "True leadership lies in guiding others to success. In ensuring that everyone is performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well. A leader holds others accountable. This is the “doing” of leadership."
11/8/2004Governor Rell Presses Congressional Delegation to Seek Emergency Heating Funds
  Governor Rell is looking for urgent action and asked Connecticut lawmakers to push for millions of dollars in LIHEAP funding through an emergency bill to be approved by December 1. “Unfortunately, winter weather won’t wait on the Congressional calendar,” Governor Rell said. “Furnaces are being turned on now, when energy prices are at or near record levels.”
11/8/2004Governor Orders DOT Commissioner to Centralize Contracting Authority
  “I know you share my sense of frustration about the recent allegations of improprieties surrounding contracting in the Department of Transportation,” the Governor wrote in a letter to the Commissioner. “It is painfully clear, however, that the current decentralized system of contracting in DOT does not contain adequate safeguards and has contributed to abuse and fraud by some in – and out – of government.”
11/5/2004Governor Rell Announces Cutting-Edge Fingerprinting Technology for State Law Enforcement
  Governor M. Jodi Rell announced today that Connecticut is now one of the first states in the nation with the ability to check fingerprints lifted at a crime scene against the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS). The new technology provides law enforcement with an efficient tool to catch criminals and marks the first upgrade of state fingerprinting technology since 1994.
11/5/2004Governor Rell Announces Results of Technology Transfer Study
  Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced results of a study that lays out the strengths and weaknesses of Connecticut’s infrastructure for innovation, technology transfer and development of new businesses from leading-edge research. The study has far-reaching implications for Connecticut job growth, economic development and education – three of the Governor’s top priorities.
11/5/2004Governor Rell Announces New Managed Care Ombudsman
  Governor Rell today announced the appointment of Kevin P. Lembo of Guilford to the position of Managed Care Ombudsman. “Kevin brings a wealth of experience to this position,” Governor Rell said. “One of his duties in the Comptroller’s Office was to deal with the state employee and retiree benefits program; he has also worked in several other health-related roles. I’m pleased he will be bringing these talents to the service of Connecticut residents who need help dealing with their insurers.”
11/5/2004Governor Rell Appoints Former Seymour First Selectman Barton to Workers’ Compensation Commission
  "Scott is prepared to uphold our workers’ compensation statutes and administer justice in a fair and thoughtful manner. His experience in local government and with the Judicial Branch provides him with a valuable perspective for this role.”
11/4/2004Governor Rell, Rep DeLauro Announce Funding for Greater New Haven Clean Cities Coalition
  “By focusing on these alternatives, we can improve our environment, increase our national energy security, reduce our dependence on imported oil, create more economic opportunities, and protect the public’s health,” Governor Rell said.
11/3/2004Governor Rell’s Statement on Tuesday’s Elections
  “I was truly heartened by the number of people voting Tuesday – elections are an annual affirmation of the American system. The time for governing has begun. I look forward to working with all of the members of the Legislature, veterans and newcomers, from both sides of the aisle. Partisanship must now be set aside to work for the benefit of all of our citizens. I’ve taken great pride over the years in my ability to work with Republicans and Democrats alike. Finally, I was very pleased by the results of the Congressional elections. Our experienced and dedicated delegation means the state is well-positioned to deal with many pressing federal issues, including the future of the U.S. Navy submarine base, homeland security, transportation and tribal recognition.”
11/2/2004Governor Rell Announces $600,000 Grant to Kent for Improvements to Templeton Farms
  “By making these structural improvements to Templeton Farms, we are not only helping the elderly residents that live there, but also preserving a building that will continue to serve the public for years to come.”
11/1/2004Governor Rell Kicks off OPERATION ELF for Connecticut Troops and Their Families
  Governor Rell and Connecticut National Guard today announced this year’s special effort – Operation ELF - to help Connecticut servicemembers and their families during the holiday season. Donations can be sent to: Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc. 360 Broad Street, Box 53 Hartford, CT 06105-3795 Website:

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