
The 20BY20 initiative lays the foundation for DEEP to make 20 measurable process improvements aimed at increasing predictability, efficiency, and transparency of DEEP’s regulatory processes all before the end of 2020.

Download the Final 20BY20 Results Presentation
View the DEEP Transparency, Predictability & Efficiency Initiatives Dashboard

Quarterly Report Releases

DEEP is committed to maintain accountability to our commitment through the release of quarterly reports on our progress in each of the 20 goals.

20BY20 Results - Final 2020

20BY20 Results - Summer 2020

20BY20 Results - Spring 2020

20BY20 Results - Winter 2020

20BY20 Results - Fall 2019

Stay Updated

Want to receive reports and other news as they are released? 

Sign up to receive email updates on the 20BY20 Initiative. 
You can also always reach us at 20by20@ct.gov

DEEP's 20 Goals

Goal 1: Make Permitting Timeframes More Transparent
Because businesses need to know what to expect

  • View Permitting Timeframes - To make permitting timeframes more transparent, our team developed this set of permitting timeframes to illustrate the processing times of each permit DEEP issues.

Goal 2: Enhance Pre-application Assistance
Because more information at start leads to a smoother permitting process

Goal 3: Reduce Number of Legacy Permits Pending
Because closing out long-pending permits enhances environmental protection and regulatory certainty

Goal 4: Reduce Time for Transfer Act Audits
Because property owners need certainty that remediation is complete

Goal 5: Finalize RSR and EUR regulations
Because clear standards are needed for environmental cleanups

Goal 6: Fast Track Same-Same Renewal Time 
Because renewals without changes should take shorter time to process

Goal 7: Change Individual Permits to General Permits
Because general permits are a better fit for some activities

Goal 8: Eliminate Some Permits and Move to "Permit By Rule"
Because for some programs, regulations can take the place of permits, setting clear environmental standards while reducing administrative burden

Goal 9: Simplify Natural Diversity Database Determinations
Because automation of the process can save businesses time and resources

Goal 10: Increase Efficiency of Grant Administration
Because grant funds can’t make positive impact until they hit the street

Goal 11: Agency-Wide Attrition Planning
Because DEEP faces increased levels of attrition over the next 3 years that will reshape the agency

Goal 12: Establish Permitting Concierge Approach
Because businesses should never have to wait too long for follow-up

Goal 13:  Accelerate E-Governance Integration
Because technology can create easier processes

Goal 14:  Enhance Data Transparency
Because businesses, academics, and the public need greater access to information for research, planning, and accountability

Goal 15:  Develop Predictable Regulation Adoption Timeline
Because stakeholders should know when key milestones for regulation adoption will be completed

Goal 16:  Increase Stakeholder Engagement in Process Improvement Efforts
Because input from stakeholders reveals new approaches

Goal 17: Increase the Transparency of Environmental Enforcement Activities
Because businesses and the public should be aware of activities that may have an environmental impact on their communities

Goal 18: Seek Opportunities for Innovative Partnerships to Enhance Services
Because engaging in collaborative partnerships can enhance achievement of our mission

Goal 19: Enhance Use and Ease of Financial Assurance Mechanisms as Part of Permitting and Enforcement
Because robust and clear financial assurance mechanisms assist to ensure compliance with permits and orders, while ensuring consistency and predictability for regulated entities

Goal 20: Adopt Spill Reporting Regulations
Because clear and concise spill reporting standards provide valuable data that is readily accessible for businesses and the public



    Introductory Message from Commissioner Dykes - June 2019

    View 20BY20 Presentation - June 2019


    Content Last Updated October 8, 2020