TripleP: What Parents Say About Triple P
Triple P for every parent Triple P Connecticut Children's Trust Fund - Department of Social Services

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What Parents Say About Triple P

Picture of Summer
Between the ages of two and three years old, Summer started to see behaviors in her son that worried her. From listening, to picking up his toys, to even hitting, her son's behavior became a concern for her.

 Picture of LeSandra
LeSandra has a daughter with special needs. As a single parent, she began to feel the strains of providing 24/7 care for her daughter. Triple P gave her strategies on how to better care for both her and her daughter.

Picture of Jennifer
Jennifer was frustrated and recognized that she was not being as effective as she could be as a parent. Her son was also showing frustration, displaying behaviors such as hitting and biting and being mischievous. When she realized that she was not enjoying being a parent, she decided to take action.

Parents at at discussion group at SANDS in Hartford, CT
Parent Discussion Group
A group of parents in Hartford, CT participated in an 8-week Triple P discussion group and found that it really worked.

Content Last Modified on 5/20/2014 8:18:25 AM

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