Laws and Regulations Regarding Connecticut Trees

Below are a few of the key state laws pertaining to trees. For the complete listing of laws and regulations relating to trees, please see the Compilation of Connecticut's Tree Laws. Please note that CT DEEP cannot provide legal advice on or interpret state statute related to tree issues. CT Laws About Trees has information about previous court cases involving tree related issues. 

Department of Transportation (DOT)

CGS Section 13a-140   Removal of trees along state highways.  Penalties established by municipalities 

  • CGS Section 16-234   Rights of adjoining proprietors. Utility responsibilities regarding community trees 

Tree Wardens
Public Trees
Arborist Licensing
Forest Practices
Damages to Trees; Timber Trespass; Encroachment on State, Municipal or Nonprofit Land
  • CGS Section 52-560     Damages for cutting trees, timber or shrubbery

  • CGS Section 52-560a   Damages for encroachment on state, municipal or nonprofit land conservation organization open space land. (See also CGS Section 23-65 for damage or unauthorized removal of trees under the care and control of the municipal tree warden.)

Other Information

For additional information, please contact:

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection:

Forestry Division

860-424-3630 or

Trees and Urban Forests: Learn More  | Forestry Main Page

Content last updated in July 2023.